screen capture Trainsched is a utility for PalmOS based PDAs designed to give you easy access to train or bus schedules.
Several databases of schedules can be stored on your Palm and selected dynamically.

I have successfully tested it on a Palm V running PalmOS 3.3 and on a palm Vx running PalmOS 3.5 as well as my Tungsten T|X

Binaries are compiled against version 5.0r3 of the SDK.

Trainsched is Free Software, it is released under the terms of the GNU GPL.

News :

  • 17 May 2009
    Thanks to the great work of Steve Martin, release 1.0 was made today of both Trainsched and csv2trainschedpdb.
    This release merges enhancements made by Damien Carbury adding support for an annotation column, a new CSV format (while retaining compatibility with the old format) as well as support for a colour display.

  • 30 March 2007
    I released a version 0.3a of csv2trainschedpdb to correct the problem encountered while trying to send by hotsync to devices running PalmOS 5.4.

  • 04 November 2006
    Michael Nicholas provided some schedules for the Capitol Corridor in California they are available from his page at
    Thanks Michael !

  • 03 March 2006
    Travis C. Brooks provided some schedules for the full Caltrain (S.F./San Jose/Peninsula commuter rail), get the pdb file and the csv file if you want to update it yourself.
    Thanks Travis !

  • 01 October 2005
    Alex Bergonzini provided some schedules for Barcelona (Spain), they are on the download page along the software.
    Thanks Alex !

  • 23 January 2005
    Surya P.N. Singh provided some schedules for Stanford University on campus Marguerite Shuttle, they are available from his page at
    Thanks Surya !

  • 11 December 2004
    PalmOne Tugsten T5 issue: one user reported having errors while trying to transfer via hotsync some databases to his T5. The workaround was to copy the database to the USB drive on the T5 and then use a file manager like the free FileZ to move it to the T5 main memory.

  • 6 October 2004
    Jesus Monroy, Jr. provided some schedules for SamTrans Line in San Mateo County, California, USA, they are available from his page at schedules/.
    Thanks Jesus !

  • 2 September 2004
    Eric Cronin provided some schedules for the Philadelphia area, they are available from his page at
    Thanks Eric !

  • 8 February 2004
    Kevin Menezes provided some schedules for the Santa Clara Valley, they are on the download page along the software.
    Thanks Kevin !

  • 21 December 2003
    Damien Carbery made available the schedules of some trains in Ireland, they are available from his page at You'll also find there some bus schedules and BusSched, a trainsched derived application used to view them.
    Thanks Damien !

  • 24 August 2003
    Release of version 0.4 which should work with PalmOS 5 and can handle more than 9 databases. Luca Campana has made available the schedules of the metro of Milano (Italy), go to his page for details.
    Thanks Luca !

  • April 2003
    Release of version 0.3 Do not hesitate to mail me if you have questions regarding the use of this software : philm at

  • 10 March 2003
    • No I am not dead, I have continued some development of Trainsched but have not yet got time to release it however for the impatient you can get the new source files from the cvs repository and compile it yourself or ask me at my email address : philm at to send it to you.
    • Eric Daugherty have created an XML format and a converter from XML to the CSV format used to create the databases of Trainsched, he has also made available a database for Chicago Metra. Creating other databases should be much easier with his tool, see his page for details.
      Thanks Eric !

  • 14 April 2002
    First public release of version 0.2
    The software and the web page are only available in english but I hope to have both available in French soon.

Main features include :

  • Saving of preferences
You get back to the same place you where when you last exited the application.
  • Database selection
You can have multiple databases on your Palm and change between them.
  • Database beaming
You can send your databases to other PDAs through infra-red.
  • Deleting databases
You can delete unused databases individually.

Screenshots :

Main view :


Database selection view :


How to create your own databases ?

You create a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file containing the schedules you want following a special format as described in csvformat.txt .
You, then, run your CSV file through the program csv2trainschedpdb which converts it to a PDB file you can send to your PDA through the HotSync process.
csv2trainschedpdb has been compiled and tested on GNU/Linux and on Windows with Cygwin.

Example databases and CSV files :

This PDB file contains schedules from SNCF suburban trains of Paris Saint Lazare network. All trains from Paris to Saint-Cloud and from Saint-Cloud to Saint-Nom la Bretêche.
This CSV file contains the source for the file breteche.pdb. I had to create it manually as the SNCF does not make available online the schedules of its train in a form suitable to be automatically processed, fortunately the schedules do not change much over time.

Getting Trainsched and csv2trainschedpdb

You can get pre-compiled binaries and source packages from the download page on

To use the precompiled binary file, you need to download at least one PDB file such as breteche.pdb which contains all trains (winter schedule) from Paris-St-Lazare to St Cloud and from St Cloud to St Nom la Bretêche.

You can also get the software from the CVS repository on sourceforge, the information is available on trainsched sourceforge project page .
Modules are called trainsched and csv2pdb.

Support :

If you need help just send a note to me : philm at

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